The Great List of Magwhores

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The Great List of Magwhores

Post by KIO »

For some reason magwhoring has started bothering me recently. Those who play have sure noticed me whining all the time.
Ill just summarize my opinion: its "point-click-n-pray". It has no spread, does shit loads of damage in general, not to mention the stupid headshots that kill a 100-100 guy (for comparison, you can hold a nade in ur ggun with 100-100 and survive with around 40 hp left).
And most importantly - it is spammable, you can shoot 6 shots of potential "one-hit-death" in the time you can shoot only about 2 xbow arrows (and you actually have to AIM for xbow, not the same as POINTING). Sorry, but I cannot say "nice" to a headshot, if you have wasted 5 bullets to air, and the sixth one accidently hit me on the head, where u wanted it.
Now, to a list of examples:
The biggest magwhore of all clan is Cygnus with 36% of kills made with mag and 20% accuracy on mag. That is, out of 10 decent weapons (12 minus smg and ar2), he has lost 3 to mag, plus mag itself. 20% accuracy means one in five shots actually hits someone and not neccessarily who he wanted to hit. That means its a stream of spam that needs to be pointed in the general direction with no appreciation for movement or speed, or distance.
The second one, from what i can see, is Ceasar with 35% of kills with mag and smth like 25% accuracy I think. The next popular gun is xbow with 15%, twice less than mag.
Next go Fire, Darkius I think, all above 20-25%.
Just found the ultimate magwhore - Sylloc Big Boss - 51% of kills are mag. How primitively-minded do you have to be? I have played this guy, he didnt even NEED to learn to bunny hop or cook nades. He sprints to mag, picks it up and stands in the corner spamming it. No mag - he might as well stay dead.
Mag is incredibly easy and primitive. Point and click. Today on the server with Cygnus, Ceasar and other people, there was a noob who kept camping and never reacted to being warned-burned or slapped. He got a domination when he picked map up. Thats all mag is - point and click, you dont even have to know the game or be able to move or DODGE at all. Your gun is the fastest reacting, does the most damage per second and you dont have to take ANYTHING into account.
I never actually used mag much, but now I just keep a rule to myself out of principle - never fire more than 2 shots of mag one after the other, because it is SPAM. Do you know how I use mag when I do have to use it? I look in the GENERAL direction of the guy and when I see his name flicker in the crosshair for a second - I click. Yes, thats all there is to mag.
"See the name? Click and kill".
It just upsets me that when I come to play with the clan, all of the gameplay is reduced to nade on spawn and mag otherwise. You can actually dodge and catch nades, so I would rather have them. Mag you cant dodge at all, it is only possible at pointblank range, but then you have a huge chance of sticking ur head in the barrel by accident. Just from observation, when a group from the clan and other good players are on - 70% of kills appearing on top right are mag. My own weapon target stats show that I mostly get killed by mag! Shotgun pellets dont count as there are many of them per shot.
Come on, it is dull and boring. And if you get used to holding on to this one pathetic gun, you will miss out on lots of opportunities to have fun or survive. Sorry for picking on you Cygnus, but today, for example, he had at least three props around him, plus the explosive barrel, plus he had nades and Im pretty sure a shotgun, definitely a crowbar - I ran at him in the open with the stick out and he ignored all of the stuff around him and took mag and started spamming my way. He died by stick, because it is very hard to actually hit someone whirling around you with a gun, but there were props, there was the good old "step back and nade" - no, its all forgotten in the name of all-powerful mag.
Having been playing this game for yeaaaars, isnt it more fun to try and enjoy it by getting spectacular kills rather than practicing point-n-click? is the mag really the best part of the game? Meh.

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by Roundup »

This is available for all weapons mate, same as nade cooking :deal: .
Pistol is a spam?... lol
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by F1r3 »

2 factors: weapon efficiency + range. Magnum is efficient in long range like no other weapon (xbow is very slow, ar2 is inaccurate, shotgun doesn't work in long range) so it tops the list of most used weapons :dunno: Of course you'll always have people who use mag 24/7 even in close range but that's just something you have to put up with ... (and yes, it sucks) . As to "getting spectacular kills" this is the problem of the game mechanics, the game doesn't account for the 'epicness' of the frags. If it did, though, and more points were awarded for long range/ricochet xbow shots, nice orb kills, grav gun catch-and-return kills etc etc. then I'm sure magnum would not be used as much and people would set other priorities. Just my 2 cents :deal:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by KIO »

Well, range is a valid argument, thats why I use mag. Yes, the guy is far and flying - choose mag, aim and shoot a couple of times, if you miss - go kill someone else.
Its just what people tend to do is they stand in one place unloading the gun until they hit someone, and thats generally 4 bullets per hit. And the guy has no good way of dealing with him being fired at, because u can fire those 4 bullets in about 2-3 seconds and being far away, he cant dodge of counteract it easily. I dont remember who I played, but what he did was spam shit loads of mag at me, which I managed to dodge somehow, then choose smg, fire that a bit to make the mag reload faster, then take mag again and keep spamming mag. So thats more than 6 bullets per hit, isnt that spam?
You have legs and lifts to compensate for range when you need to, standing in a corner picking fighting people off is, first of all, not nice since they are making an effort to play, secondly is time consuming and how do you not get bored:)
Also, a thing I noticed, most of magwhores obviously care for their precious kpd, hence the usage of the most effective weapon to not die. However, that drags your kills per minute down drastically. Running takes time, spamming one "effective" gun, when you could do something smarter and kill someone by some other means, takes time, hiding takes time. "Runny-hidy" players have a kills per minute of around 1.8 max (Ceasar that is, but he is a bit more straight to battle), but normally around 1.5. People who run in and die with honor have kills per minute way above 2, now tell me who is having more fun:)
Anyways, most of what I said above is a matter of opinion, yes, but what I talked about in the first post is actually fact and true.

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by FuzzyBear9 »

Personally, I would like to see the introduction of the rocket launcher:

1) it's more eco-friendly (one rocket fits all)
2) doesn't require aim or point
3) has a red targeting laser - which is great for those powerpoint presentations..

choccy biscuit anyone..??



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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by Cynyx »

Neutral opinion about this post (large post alert lmao), because i'm not active but some comments :
- All weapons can be used for spamming. not only mag in fact.
- Point - aim ?!? - and click is the main goal of all FPS !
- Best players in HL2DM are (or were) people good with magnum certainly (because it's the more powerfull weapon of the game) but ... not only with this weapon. If you have more than 30% kills with only one weapon in my opinion you can't be considerated as a good player. Best players use all weapons in a good way (depending of each different game situation ...).
- Everybody prefers a particular weapon in a game and you can't reproach that.
- according KPD you have with Cygnus, I think his mag is not really annoying and I'm sure you annoy him more with random physic, "point - forward - and click with" xbow or spam nade cooking :).
- magnum needs to aim : physics not. So random physics is not annoying too ?
- Since long time now, players in HL2DM not play for "fun" but for "skills".
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by KIO »

well, compared to physics spam. There can only be about 3 objects around u at a time,so u can throw three at once at most. And you always have 6 bullet in mag, twice more. And, as I said, physics can be dodged and countered - you jump and physics flies by, you get ggun out - you catch it. And an aerial kill with a brick is harder than an aerial shot with mag, no?
I dont mind mag as a weapon that much. As you said, more than 30% of the same weapon is just narrowminded whoring.
And about pointing and aiming. Look here:
How much effort is it to click on that smiley? Just as much as making a mag kill. With physics u have to take movement and counterattack into consideration, you also have to think where will you get the object you want to throw. With xbow, again - movement and distance, plus your enormous reload time between shots. Shotgun-the close range death is very glitchy and hard to learn to use properly, but there is skill to it, even if its a "bang-dead" weapon. Even shitty SMG and AR2 have drawbacks - smg does no damage whatsoever at long range, plus it has ENORMOUS spread on fire, ar2 does crap loads of damage, but it has spread AND recoil.
Mag is the only gun with point precision, and it happens to be the most powerful and quick shooting one (whoever thought that would be a great idea). As I said the way I use it - you see the name appear in ur crosshair, click a couple of times and you are guaranteed a kill. Just reflex. With xbow and physics, its usually the other way around - if the name is in crosshair, you will definitely miss, so you have change ur aim.

EDIT: About random physics kills, nowadays none happen because everyone whores mag on the server :-P

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by F1r3 »

I agree with everything Cynyx said.
- Point - aim ?!? - and click is the main goal of all FPS !
And this is a fact.

This discussion that we're having here reminds me of WoW where people always whine about how imabalanced a certain class/spell/item/whatever is on the forums. :D If a lot of people whine about the same thing together, Blizzard Entertainment releases a patch which changes the balance and everyone's happy (well actually not coz any changes to the balance cause even more whining from people whose characters get affected ... :D )
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores


Well im a self confessed nade whore and proud of it,and i also use the mag with varying results,im not good with the bow but i do try,everybodys got their own style,kio`s stick is lethal u could use the arguement that its just point,run,click also as well as all weapons,the only weapon that i think reqiures no skill is the smg,how many of u have been having an exchange of fire with another member of the clan and both players having low health due to a long fight with said person and then get sprayed by some noob with smg and u die from it just as you have lined up the killing shot,no skill needed
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores


SHIT were do i start so basic all who spam mag are no skilled loosers who cant run or move on the map?
after reading all the posts in this topic O.o ofcourse ur opinion matters to myself after playing with you on DM most of my time i have played.
if you can remember when i started playing on our servers i only used stick and nade!!! thats it man now i started learning from the clan members Kio was they guy i wanted to play well against to show him how much better i was.
after ALOT of 1 to 1 time with Kio you get to learn u dont get too close to him well because 95% of the time you will die!
now my options are.
1: stand and fight and get sticked! :zombie:
2: try killing him with xbow so you get 1 shot then sticked ! :scared:
3: try nade his arse again 1 chance! :pale:
4: try shot gun am pish with it so bugger that! :(
5: try running u will get pistol or stick again for running ! :zombie:
6:PANIC just get grav and throw anything and hope u get lucky but most of the time it just comes straight back to you fast! :omg:
7: and the one i choose most get away get armour shoot him in the back or from range :spy: i just die if i get to close thats why i play like i do also i would rather be second in a game but die much less than i kill that still remains from my points whoreing times. :zombie: .........THE END...........
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by CygnusX1 »

I would like to say regarding my usage of mag:1.its the most powerful weapon so logic says it must be high on anyones list of preferred weapons.
2.I agree this gun should be used for long range kills
3.Personally speaking,I have recently had more success with this weapon,so have tended to whore it a bit.If I can kill more with a given weapon,it stands to reason I will use it more. However,I always aspire to become a better player, so I am making an effort now to reduce my mag usage.(I suck with x bow for example).I Still feel that some of my shots with mag are ok.Kio your comments about it all did piss me off a bit since u stick me all the time anyhow :) but i understand where you are coming from,I dont want to use the mag as "a prosthetic for skill", and yes thanks for taking such an interest in my game play,this may make me a better player :wink:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores


can i just say some nice posts on our forum all thanks to the mag whores :: :D

OK good to see the forum a bit busyer :cool2: i think ill have a beer and a chocky bicky for all the reading and bloody typeing i have had to do :wink:
oh one more thing guys E=mc2 RULES :beer:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by CygnusX1 »

+1 :-P :banana:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by KIO »

Sorry for picking on you, Cygnus, i meant no offence :P The only reason i succeed in sticking you so often is because you dont have a good countermeasure equipped at the time:)
I do find stick kills more fair than, say, the old mag kills. I am a big fat target in the middle of your screen when im trying to stick you and it takes a couple of hits to succeed, while anyone about to kill you with a mag is normally a spec on the horizon, plus shooting you in the back as well:)
But i meant no harm anyway, im a bit too grumpy with all the exams i have now. The moral of the story is that I think there is always an appropriate gun for a given situation, so there is no point or need to whore just one of them.

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by FuzzyBear9 »

Good luck with the exams KIO!!

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by CygnusX1 »

Listen kio its no problem were all cranky from time to time I should know my kids hide when i come home from work with my grumpy head on.Criticism from yourself and other guys in clan i will always listen to as i still think of myself as an relatively inexperienced player. Respect to you,and I hope you achieve a high level of sucess in your exams :cool2: Bon chance. :smart:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by federalic »

Hehe) Magnum forever! :metal: Long time ago i was magwhore #1 :D
TBH nade spamming is more annoying then mag or something else. Most players starting to coock nades in first 5-10 secs after they spawned. And with nade u dont need to aim!) +Mag also very helpful on classical maps.
By the way, hi again everyone :)
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores


HELLO Fed good to hear from you again :) the master mag whore :D
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by KIO »

Its actually funny how most people find it really hard to accept that shooting a full clip into empty space at once is spam.
I have twice more mag hits than smg hits on me. SMG is considered spam.
An average magwhore has an accuracy of 20% = 1 in 5 shots is actually on target. So thats a hell of a lot of mag bullets flying around.
But no, a full clip of smg in the face, with 5-6 bullets hitting the target - SPAM. Full clip of mag with one bullet, hopefully, hitting the target - not spam. Really?
Upsets me to see what the game is turning into or has turned into. Today, there were 5 headshots and a couple of non-headshot mag kills on the server from all different people in a gap of 3 seconds.

Also, as a side topic:
Ceasar, fuck you and I regret your presence in the clan. Hopefully you will not get in the way of me having fun on the server with my friends in the clan.

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by federalic »

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores


hahahahhahahha am a noob lagger and it dosent make me a pro! :rolleyes:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by KIO »

You aint whoring it enough, I wanna see 75% of kills or more! And for 2 years... The funny thing is that he didnt even NEED to learn to do anything else, like bunnyhopping or dodging or using ggun, or even running...
I tried imagining whoring xbow for 2 years, but its so slow, you HAVE to be on the move, you HAVE to try and dodge.
Or whoring ggun - you have to be fast, you have to run to the props.
Mag appears to be the only weapon you can successfully whore. Well, shotgun is another possible one, but its much less reliable.

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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by Cynyx »

HL2:DM weapons have been allways unfair ... but it's nothing compared to "lag compensation" bug/feature.

Sometimes, I dream everybody fails to launch HL2:DM in order all clan members leave this game and play together other games.
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores


Cynyx wrote: Sometimes, I dream everybody fails to launch HL2:DM in order all clan members leave this game and play together other games.

noooooooooooooooooooo lmao :smelly: yes its buggy its laggy but its great when u have a good game :cool2:
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Re: The Great List of Magwhores

Post by Roundup »

I agree Cynyx! But for the moment i haven't found a really interesting game!...
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