L4d tactics and general advice

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L4d tactics and general advice

Post by KIO »

This is where this topic is going to be after I write it:) I decided I should play after the new patch beforehand..

Ook, i played it, lets start:) These will be the tactics that i think work in the game in the versus mode. So,

  • Well, survivors have to survive. Some general tips for the completely unaware:
    -If a teammate is pounced next to you - smack the hunter off with your melee and either keep hitting him, or shoot him. Meleeing is better than simply shooting, because it immediatelystops the hunter from dealing any more damage to the survivor. And, there is NO FRIENDLY fire on the pounced people, so feel free to shoot.

    - If a teammate is hanging on the smokers tongue, or is pulled against a wall with it - you can save him by hitting the teammate with your melee. The only difference that came with the patch is that you cannot do that whilethe survivor is being dragged. If he is not dragging - smack him. If he is - shoot the tongue. Again, you cannot hurt the teammate with your gun while he is in the tongue, so if you cannot get a good shot at the tongue, shoot through the guy. If you feel you are getting pulled - your character will start shouting and water drops will appear on your screen - turn around to the smoker and shoot for luck. There is a chance you can save yourself.

    - Now, if you hear/see/feel a boomer near to you, convince yourself - shooting is BAD. If you shoot the boomer close to you - you will be covered in shit, as well as most of your teammates. Do you want to be covered in shit and zombies? I guess, no. So, you take a step towards the boomer, smack him with your melee, take two steps back and shoot. This should be enough range not to be covered in shit from his explosion. Yes, he can puke on you while you are running to him, but if you perform the proper kill - your friends will not be blinded, so they can save you. And, meleeing stops the puke animation
More advanced and not so obvious in the middle of a zombie rape tips:
- Normal movement and behavior:
  • General tips and reasons why to follow them, unless you want to find out the hard way:
    - Stick together. Easier said than done (ask FuzzyBear he knows what happens if you wander off somewhere on your own :-P ) Reasons why: the zombie team can not get 4 hunters at any moment in the game, this means that all four people will never get in unavoidable trouble at the same time. One person, obviously, will get raped on his own, especially if the rest of the team is busy dealing with zombies/hunters/witches/tanks/personal issues. Now, the zombie team has ALWAYS got a total of 3 immobilizing players, be it 2 hunters and a smoker, or 3 hunters, or even 3 hunters together with a smoker(this is quite easy to handle with 4 players, as its far too unlikely that the four will fall to the attackers at the same time). So, if you feel like exploring and you die, not only it sucks being dead, you also undermine your team's chances of survival. It is NOT that if one person dies, the other three have a quarter less chance to survive, it is much less chance than that, because they can all get attacked at the same time.

    - Stick together... Yes, it is THAT important!.. if you are going somewhere - at least take a friend, so two of you can cover each other.

    - While running through an area, always keep a clear line of sight to the others (this is a bit different to sticking together, because u can be raped a meter away from others, but being behind a wall, they wont be able to help you straight away). Especially if you hear a hunter or a smoker. Reasons why:E.g. you hear a hunter, but you want to check the room for medkits and stuff, warn others of the hunter, walk into the room, but stay opposite the doorway, so when you do get pounced - your ass can be saved quicker. A more dramatical example - all of your team is inside the room, where they meet a boomer and you are still in the corridor. Of course, you are pounced in the corridor, and the others are boomered. Not only they cant see shit to acknowledge your situation, but they cant even get out of the room now to save you, because the flow of zombies keeps them in. So, not good. Of course, this happens to everyone and its impossible to see each other all the time, but having this habit does help... or at least not having a habit of getting lost in rooms where noone can get directly

    - When a rush starts - dont go looking for the biggest horde to get to know them better. All stay and fight it off, preferably in a corner or something. Thats to simply not get separated, because a separated guy is an easy target for smokers and hunters

    More specific tactics:
    - if a tank comes:
    -Stay away from any movable props - tank hits them and they hit you and then you die... simple enough:)

    -If you have the second level weapons and are in decent health - eveyrone staying and shooting (circling around the tank shooting) is generally a good strategy( as opposed to running and screaming, or running towards the tank, trying to melee him away).

    -Its even better if you have a molotov. When set on fire, the tank has 30 seconds, after which he dies ANYWAY, no matter what damage is done to it. So, the most healthy option is to set him on fire, turn around and run (this works ONLY if you are in almost full health, otherwise he will get you, so its better that you do some damage to him) With enough manouvering,a yellow guy can avoid him, but thats up to the environment and luck.

    -If you dont have the second level weapons, nor the tank is on fire.. well, this is basically it:) There is a chance you can take him down, but it takes quite a bit of deathmatch skills of running around and shooting the target. You can kill a tank with such an arrangement, but its just very hard.

    - If there is a witch:
    - If she is off the path you need to take, switch your flashlight off, let everyone know where she is( if possible) and run around her. Holding SHIFT down makes you walk quietly, which theoretically should be less annoying to her ( i have never seen it make a HUGE load of difference though).
    - Decent zombie players will try to make you shoot her. Try not to fall for that, unless she is ON the path anyway. Then, get as far back as you can within safety regions and shoot her, so that the rest of the team can take her down while she is running towards you (that means that the rest of the team HAS TO KNOW that there is going to be a witch running towards you NOW)
    - If she is not facing you and you happen to have an autoshotgun, get behind her, aim for her left ear, realize that if you miss - she incaps you, and shoot in a panic manner... of course, it doesnt have to be her left ear, but it has to be a headshot, or a succession of those
    - As has been tested many times, a rifle headshot DOES NOT work, DO NOT do it:)
    - The alarmed car:
    - Do not shoot it... Full stop. You dont get a bonus for killing a hunter sitting on the car, and he probably will, if you try to. If a smoker pulls someone from behind the car - chase the guy and free him with melee, avoid shooting that way.
    - YEs, its just a horde, yes, you can use a pipebomb... but the car alarm does mean A LOT of zombies from everywhere. And it is a great slowing down factor that player szombies can take advantage of.
- When you are boomered:
Being boomered is a big fraction of the game, if the zombie team does not suck. And this is what fails the survivor team most of the times, so its important to not be disoriented by it. Here goes:
  • - If you are boomered and you think you are the only one (coz u killed him more or less properly, for instance) retreat to the nearest corner, dont try to run away from impending doom. Sit in the corner and melee like mad, and the corner will make sure that noone takes advantage of your open back. Hopefully, your friends will appreciate you glowing yellow and will gather around you to protect you from the zombies. The zombies will NOT attack the people who are not boomered, so they can sit in the zombies' way and melee them away or shoot them.

    - If you are boomered and you dont think that your friends will see you being boomered, coz they are busy with smth else(like being boomered too) or are just utter noobs, you retreat to the nearest survivor and crouch next to him. Involuntarily, he will be protecting you, because the horde running towards you will look scary to him too (even if the horde is no danger to him), or if you are both boomered - you have twice more chance to survive together.

    - you can barely see, thats right. You can still tell where your friends are by the names hanging above their heads. After you get boomered, you get about 3-4 seconds until the first zombie has a go and coupling with your brains. Use that time to look around and find a name to run towards (you cant see player zombies names, so u cant really make a mistake lol)

    - even while you are boomered - you can be useful. Sound is very important in this game, even if you cant see shit on your screen. If you hear smth like THE HUNTER POUNCED ZOEY, well, have a random guess what zoey is doing right now...probably having her nipples pierced. Now, its hard to find Zoey while you cant see anything and there are zombies piling on u, but, names can help again. The name hangs above the head, so if you look around, you may see a name too close to the floor, smth like the knee level - thats the victim. Shoot in that direction and check the left status message for YOU KILLED HUNTER kind of message, then you can get back to dealing with your own zombies. Now, you HAVE TO save zoey, because hunter deals quite a bit more of damage than a pile of raging zombies. If you lose smth like 5-10 hp to zombies while shooting the hunter, you can save the teammate from losing smth like 30 hp for no reason.

    - while boomered - listen to all sounds in general. If all four of you are boomered - you can bet that all of zombie players will have a go at killing you at this very moment. Even if that means attacking from stupid angles for them, e.g. pouncing u in the face. Sit there meleeing and listen for hunters, they move towards you and lose all safety-consciousness, so, watch for quick blurry movements, pounce screams, etc. There is a lot of chance for you to kill the hunter before he attacks, because he will be sure you cant see him, but you actually can, if you know where to look. As for smokers - if you hear one just before you are boomered or while the process, keep looking around from time to time for survivors being dragged away (again, use the name tags) and shoot their way, as you will probably hit the tongue, or the smoker.
Thats it for now, ill add more later.

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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by DHR_000x »

First tactic: To survive, DONT KILL YOUR MATES!!!

I cant understand that, there were 300 zombies and who do you hit, your fucking team mate xD
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by KIO »

Post updated above. Added general movement tips and special cases.

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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by F1r3 »

omg wall of text crits you for 9999 damage. you die :zombie:
Just kidding :D Good job, very detailed tutorial/article, wish I had the game :)
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice


F1r3 wrote:omg wall of text crits you for 9999 damage. you die :zombie:
Just kidding :D Good job, very detailed tutorial/article, wish I had the game :)
there is one more thing to add if u wonder off or are chaseing a smoker and then killing him then a boomer yes :metal: :metal:
KIO will always point u in the proper direction like this ....FFS DARKIUS WERE THE F*CK U GOING COME BACK he gets a little touchy when u dont follow his ORDERS tAKE A CHILL PILL MATE :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
you must get it fire plz man kio even spoke on game chato ..o_0 it was fun !!!
ps Fuzzy got ass raped :zombie:
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by KIO »

KIO will always point u in the proper direction like this ....FFS DARKIUS WERE THE F*CK U GOING COME BACK
Thats just my way of wondering where the fuck you are actually going:)) Coz u did seem kinda lost then, sorry if i was too rude lol... Its hard not to start bossing people around when you are the only one talking lol :-P :-P :-P And, if you noticed, we won every time i was coordinating the team... not leading - coordinating:P

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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by Cynyx »

nice post ...
yesterday game was very funny ... on paper, teams were balanced but the difference : no leading in our team and some blind people :). I remember a scene : i tried to save Fuzzy (was raping by a hunter) however i were surrounded by many zombies ... during this time we were really near DHR, but in his back ... As a result, a hunter or a smoker catched me ... DHR stills fighting useless zombie even if we are near to die ... just some seconds later : a hunter on DHR ... Game over. Be near the team, mean be together but need also KEEP EYES ON UR FRIENDS ! :)
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by KIO »

For those who have litteraphobia (the fear of letters), i have highlighted the key phrases in the text in blue :-P
Yeah, you gotta look around for your friends quite a bit...

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Re: L4d tactics and general advice


we won every time i was coordinating the team... not leading - coordinating:P :D
yes well u need someone to lead!!! to keep the pace up .
also i love the boomer if u spew on them at the rite time when lots of zombies are comeing there screwed :-P ...OMG i cant see :metal: :-P

also myself and cynyx done the campain and kicked its arse lol on normal ofc :-P
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by DHR_000x »

Cynyx wrote:nice post ...
yesterday game was very funny ... on paper, teams were balanced but the difference : no leading in our team and some blind people :). I remember a scene : i tried to save Fuzzy (was raping by a hunter) however i were surrounded by many zombies ... during this time we were really near DHR, but in his back ... As a result, a hunter or a smoker catched me ... DHR stills fighting useless zombie even if we are near to die ... just some seconds later : a hunter on DHR ... Game over. Be near the team, mean be together but need also KEEP EYES ON UR FRIENDS ! :)
god damn you XD i cant save you if i have a horde of zombies in front of me :zombie:

PS: i know, i am a noob
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by Roundup »

DARKIUSMAXIMUS wrote:also myself and cynyx done the campain and kicked its arse lol on normal ofc :-P
Too bad! I think that we can finish expert campain....bad point: too much friendly shots :D
just try to push a hunter or a smoker when he's on your teamate, no shots! :dunno:

However the test was funny :) , we need to try again!
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by DHR_000x »

The tutorial "What o do while boomered" is very good KIO :cool2:
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by KIO »

Thanks DHR:)
Roundy, there is no friendly fire on the pounced or smokered guy.. so you can shoot all you like... unless u meant shooting other people..

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Re: L4d tactics and general advice


DHR_000x wrote:The tutorial "What o do while boomered" is very good KIO :cool2:
+1 i must say :) time spent on a good cause :wink: killing zombies :metal:
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Re: L4d tactics and general advice

Post by KIO »

Forgot I was doing that:))) Might get back to it at some point..
But.. For now, A VERY GOOD update for L4d has been released.
First of all, no more "tank parking" - wooho...
Second, tank can now hit several survivours with one swing.. I.e. before it used to be a suicide to run into a room with survivors, since they ALL shoot at the same time, but you can only punch ONE at a time... But now, u can take the whole lot out with a hook:)
No more camping behind the elevator on the NOMERCY against Tank on the roof either.. The trouble was that u cant properly crouch through the ventillation as a tank - u get stuck... Now u dont get stuck:) Muhahahah...
Smoker can grab survivours THROUGH infected!!! Finally.. it was impossible to grab someone when a rush starts - because all of the shitty zombies are blocking the view..
Also, the smokers aiming cone has been increased.. YOu dont have to be a sniper to get someone now, i presume...
Another long-awaited fix! The Boomer exploding in the air covers people UNDERNEATH! it used to be so annoying when u land on someones head, others shoot u, u pop and noone gets covered..

Bad things: No more burning hunters:( They dont do as much damage as they used to anymore..

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